Use your Blog’s Theme Color Scheme in your Custom Images
If you’re blogging you know that creating images to accompany your posts is necessary to help give more visual appeal to your posts. Blog images are also an important part of your marketing plan for social media.
I’ve already showed you the easiest way to create beautiful images for your blog. I also referenced the importance of using your branding color scheme consistently.
But what if you don’t really know what your branding colors are? What if you just want to match your images to the colors used in your WordPress theme?
Easily Find the Color Scheme Used in your Theme
You could look in the style.css file of your theme or you could use your browser’s built in developer tools, but there is a much easier and faster way.
Use Stylify Me
Stylify Me is a handy little website for creating style guides for existing websites. You simply enter the web address of your site and you’ll see all the colors and fonts used on that page.
As a bonus, you can also download a PDF version of the style guide.
Stylify Me was created by Annabelle Yoon and Michael Mrowetz as a tool to help designers quickly research other sites and make better design decisions.
How I Utilize Stylify Me for Blogging and Business
The image above shows the colors used on the main page of this site. I have this printed and hanging on the wall next me to easy reference.
I couldn’t hire a designer to create a complete brand package for me so I rely on the colors of the theme I’ve chosen for my site. I also want my branding to be consistent across my social channels and Stylify Me lets me easily reference these things instead of stopping my workflow to go check my colors over and over.
I refer to these hex colors often when I’m using Canva to create blog post images, social images, ad images, and even my upcoming ebook covers.
How do you manage your branding and color schemes? Let me know in the comments.

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